Juan en el Paraíso

miércoles, agosto 20, 2008

My first book

Me quedará plantar un arbol y tener un hijo....

Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas, Remedios de cualquier fortuna(Traducción y glosa del De remediis fortuitorum), Edición, Introducción y notas de Juan Pablo Canala, Buenos Aires, Princeps, 2008.

lunes, agosto 18, 2008

Love and the city

Para Mina... esperando que su corazon sane. Porque nada es este mundo es tan terrible y porque como dice Ovidio: "amor omnia vincit"

From Ludwig van Beethoven
Good morning, on July 7

Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us - I can live only wholly with you or not at all - Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits - Yes, unhappily it must be so - You will be the more contained since you know my fidelity to you. No one else can ever possess my heart - never - never - Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves. And yet my life in V is now a wretched life - Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men - At my age I need a steady, quiet life - can that be so in our connection? My angel, I have just been told that the mailcoach goes every day - therefore I must close at once so that you may receive the letter at once - Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together - Be calm - love me - today - yesterday - what tearful longings for you - you - you - my life - my all - farewell. Oh continue to love me - never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.

ever thine
ever mine
ever ours

[de Love letters of great men, Volume I no existente en la vida real, pero si en la ficcion. ]